India Joins TMview
the Indian trademarks can also be searched on TMview as India in
collaboration with European Commission has provided the database of
Indian Trademark.
is an online consultation tool allowing any Internet user to search,
free of charge, the trademarks of all participating official trade mark
Offices. It is multilingual and easy-to-use, and gives access to trade
mark applications and registrations of the participating official trade
mark offices in a single place.
TMview aims
to be the platform for data from all 27 EU Member States in addition to
the information available from the EUIPO and WIPO – in total some 8.5
Million trade marks.
of 26 April 2017, The Indian Office of the Controller General of
Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM) has made its trade mark data
available to the TMview search tool. This successful integration is the
result of the EU-INDIA Intellectual Property Cooperation (IPC-EUI)
project co-funded by the European Commission and the EUIPO within the
International Cooperation framework and in close collaboration with
CGPDTM. This last extension brings the total number of offices
participating in TMview to 57 and with the addition of more than 800,000
trade marks from India TMview now provides information and access to
almost 43 million trade marks in total. Since the introduction of TMview
on 13 April 2010 the tool has served more than 29 million searches from
155 different countries, with visitors from Spain, Germany and Italy
among the most frequent users.
The information is provided by the trade mark offices that own the content and are responsible for its daily update.
You can use TMview to:
• Carry out a trade mark search
• Check for the availability of your trade mark name
• Discover what your competitors are protecting
• Provide information to trade mark examiners
You can find out more at
Disclaimer: The content here produced are presented for information purpose.